Tuesday 2 October 2018

Welcome to my first post.

When I was 17, I found a love for photography. Whether that be environmental or portrait, my new-found passion was to produce content that could inspire me to appreciate the world and it's beauty.

It technically started through choosing new subjects to study in college, after completing a level in media studies. As the subjects linked together in various ways, taking photography seemed like it was a perfect option. I was soon bought my first camera, a Canon 1200D DSLR, which allowed me to discover more ways of producing images that didn't come from an iPhone.

Soon enough, classes began and upon our first project, I took a trip to the Bourne Woods outside Farnham and did my first environmental shoot.

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Pancake Day Tutorial!

When approached to make a video for the Farnham Herald, me and my fellow student bands together to make a tutorial for Pancake Day!